Blog Goal

This Blog is intended to offer and share some relevant information about the jPOS Presentation Manager module.
The project is still under develop but source code is avaible at GitHub.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First version!

Well, finally I uploaded a first version of pm_core and pm_struts modules at GitHub. This modules are the heart of my work.

pm_core is the generic definition and the basic implementation of the architecture. It defines how xml must be built and provides an Object hierarchy for the visual representation of any entities that want to be visualized. The idea under this module is to define and allows any visual representation be based on it.

pm_struts is my implementation for the core. This module uses pm_core and increase it with a specific web based implementation, mainly developed in jsp and struts.

How to get source code to take a look?

First step is to install git.
In Ubuntu / Debian is enought with
sudo apt-get install git-core

In others O.S. you will need to google it :)

Next step is to create a directory named jPOS-Presentation-Manager and with a console, enter on it. Inside type
git clone git://

and there you are. Thats all. If you have questions fell free to contact me or post any comments here.

I will soon post more information about how to use all of this.

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