Blog Goal

This Blog is intended to offer and share some relevant information about the jPOS Presentation Manager module.
The project is still under develop but source code is avaible at GitHub.

Monday, December 13, 2010

New econverters

New econverters or External converters are avaible. External converter are intended to be a way to modularize and simplify converter definition for any field. Also this isn't a replacement, it is an addition to de converters definition.

The way to use this new external converters is:

1) Define one or more xml files with the following definition, lets say


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<external-converter id="edit-string">
operations="add edit" />
<external-converter id="show-date">
operations="list show sort" >
<property name="format" value="dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss" />

2) Include file in pm QBean


<property name="external-converters" value="cfg/some.external.converters.xml"/>

3) Use it as an "econverter" instead of "converter" just using the id.

<econverter id="edit-string" operations="add edit" />

You can now use it in any entity. This is specially useful for complex or very used converters. You just need to define it once and reuse the definition just with the id.

Enjoy :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Commits on Twitter!

Now, you can see all source code commits and news following @jpospm . Enjoy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

jPOS debug with Netbeans

Well, this is kinda out of topic but I am really exited with this feature. I should say THANKS to Osagie for this really useful post.

Osagie describe this in his pots but i will add/change some things that make this fully work with almost all modules of jPOS.

I will assume that you already have a jPOS project in some $home directory.

1) Create NB project. You can do this in File->New Project menu. Then choose category "Java" and project "Java Project with Existing Source" and select the existing folder where jPOS project resides $home

2) Set sources folders. Make sure you add ALL yours and jPOS optional modules src folder into the source tab of project properties.

3) Set run parameters.

4) Modify nbbuild.xml adding the following lines at the end of the file:

<target name="clean">
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="clean" />
<target name="compile">
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="compile" />
<target name="run">
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="run" />

5) Modify nbproject/ and replace




6) Now you must "clean & build" project. If everything went ok, you must now add all the build/lib/*.jar to the Project Properties->Libraries option. Just add this jars, do not add Netbeans librarys!

7) Have Fun! Now you will me able to run / debug / profile / or anything else in your jPOS project, including breakpoints and all this nice stuff :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quick Guide Released!

I've released a Quick Guide. Take a look at what can be done with jPOS Presentation Manager.

This document can be freely download here

It's unfinished but is a good start. Any suggestion is welcome.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's going on

Im still around, but working on some enhancements and working on user manual, thats why im not posting a lot here, documentation is an evil but necesary thing to do :)

I've been working on

- Highlight of rows and items on list. It works now but its too basic and, honestly, very ugly. I am trying to make it better.

- Fix bugs

- New converters (ISO Dump, DateTime, better boolean)

- Enhanced validators

- Better pagination for list. Actual is basic.

I have also some new ideas like

- Conditional operations (show an operation depending on the instance state)

- Permission based operations, fields and highlights. With this we can keep the same configuration file for one entity and PM change it behavior depending on loged user permissions.

- Export lists in Excel, txt and some other formats.

I will try to keep this blog more actualized :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

new! JPOS Presentation Manager Editor 0.9

I created a new project "jPOS-PM-Editor" in GitHub.

This project has 2 goals. First is to provide new users a fast view of the power of PM. This is a simple use case to watch out as a first step. Second goal is to provide a simple editor for PM configuration files. Its still in an early develop but it can get you started with something.

You can clone git project or, if you want to take a look, you can download the "ready to go" version here

I will gladly help anyone that want to give a try to this.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Feature! Monitors

I just added a new feature to Presentation Manager: Monitors.

A monitor is a unit of observation of something, usually a system log, like Q2.log, or a log DataBase table or a transactional table.

Here is the model.

An example monitor is:

<!DOCTYPE entity SYSTEM "cfg/monitor.dtd">
<source class="" >
<property name="filename" value="log/q2.log" />
<formatter class="" />

The result of monitoring this file is something like

It's an auto-refresh window that shows the tail of the file.